Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF)

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF)

JVR Dental uses Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF), a minimally invasive and highly effective preventative option to help strengthen teeth, stop cavities and prevent future decay.

What is SDF?

SDF is a colourless antimicrobial liquid containing silver and fluoride compounds that treat cavities in an easy, non-invasive, fast and painless manner. Silver is the antimicrobial agent that strengthens the dentin in your tooth and fluoride is the ingredient that stops the tooth decay and prevents future decay from appearing.

What are the benefits of SDF and how often should it be applied?

Not only is SDF a comfortable, quick and pain-free option for stopping and preventing tooth decay, it can also be used to help relieve tooth sensitivity. And because it’s non-invasive, there’s zero drilling of the tooth structure so local anesthetic is not required! SDF should be applied once every 2-3 weeks for at least 3-4 applications.

What’s the SDF appointment like?

We begin by applying Vaseline around your mouth and lips to prevent accidental staining. Next, we clean and polish the affected area and dry it with air, cotton rolls or Isolate. If the decayed area is between the teeth, we insert floss between the teeth.

The SDF liquid is then applied directly to the surface of your teeth and left for one minute to dry. Finally, we rinse the mouth with water and apply topical fluoride to decrease the metallic taste and ensure we have the optimal environment for the SDF to work.